Yo Mamma Jokes

Yo Mamma Jokes

Yo mama's like 7up - never had it never will (You're adopted) 
Yo mama's like a birthday cake, everybody gets a piece. 
Yo mama's like a bowling ball, she always winds up in the gutter. 
Yo mama's like a bowling ball, You can fit three fingers in. 
Yo mama's like a bus; guys climb on and off her all day long. 
Yo mama's like a Christmas tree; everybody hangs balls on her. 
Yo mama's like a door knob, everybody gets a turn. 
Yo mama's like a gas station - You gotta pay before You pump 
Yo mama's like a goalie; she changes her pads after three periods. 
Yo mama's like a light switch, even a little kid can turn her on. 
Yo mama's like a postage stamp, You lick her, stick her, then send her away. 
Yo mama's like a race car driver...she burns a lot of rubbers. 
Yo mama's like a railroad track; she gets laid all over the country. 
Yo mama's like a screen door, after a couple of bangs she loosens up 
Yo mama's like a shotgun, one cock and she blows 
Yo mama's like a Toyota, "OOooh what a feeling!" 
Yo mama's like a TV, even a 2 year old could turn her on 
Yo mama's like a vaccuum cleaner.....a real good suck. 
Yo mama's like an ice cream cone... everYone gets a lick. 
Yo mama's like cake mix, 15 servings per package! 
Yo mama's like Crazy Eddie; she's practically giving it all away. 
Yo mama's like Denny's...open 24 hours. 
Yo mama's like Marky Mark - Good Vibrations 
Yo mama's like McDonalds... Billions and Billions served. 
Yo mama's like mustard, she spreads easy. 
Yo mama's like the pillsbury dough boy - everybody pokes her 

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